I offer special rates and work in collaboration with schools to enable more children and young people to access the support they need. Over the past ten years I have worked at St Aloysius College, Kensington, Hungerford, Gillespie and Hanover Primary schools in London and at St Catherine’s and Balgreen Primary schools in Edinburgh.
Through counselling, the pupils I’ve worked with have been supported through their difficulties to gain improved self-esteem, emotional regulation, social skills, and as a result better focus and academic achievement.
If children in your school face similar difficulties, they might benefit from this kind of support too. I have, for example, worked with children and young people who have struggled with:
Refugee experiences, witnessing war and moving countries
Domestic violence or parental substance use
Disability, feeling different from others
Difficulties getting on with peers, bullying others or being bullied
Low-self esteem, insecurity
Managing anger and other intense feelings
Bereavement and loss
Self-harming behaviour and suicidal thoughts
Improved mental health, self-esteem and wellbeing of pupils
Better communication skills and improved relationships between pupils
Improved concentration and readiness to learn, resulting in better attainment and increased prospects
Reduced disruption in class, higher attendance rates and fewer exclusions
Knock-on positive affect to peers, creating a better all round learning environment and a more emotionally literate and caring school culture
Teachers are more able to focus on teaching, contributing to improved staff welfare and morale
Through partnership working, parents can also feel better supported and more willing to engage with the school
I work in close partnership with school staff to identify priorities and feed back on progress.
I can also offer support to staff and parents, and group work for children.
Please get in touch if you would be interested in discussing possibilities for your school.